EAU BC is a hierarchical classification of BC's freshwater ecosystems. It is a spatially explicit classification designed to aid in the management and conservation of BC freshwater ecosystems and their associated biodiversity. EAU BC quantifies the interplay between freshwater species distribution and their ecosystem physical habitat, and environmental processes. It defines what is currently known about freshwater ecosystems and their abundance and distribution across the Province. It is packaged as a database and accompanying geographic information system (GIS) that enables the classification and its underlying data to be queried and viewed at multiple spatial scales. Available EAUBC GIS data include EAUBC Freshwater Ecoregion, EAUBC Ecological Drainage Units (EDU), EAUBC Lakes and EAUBC Rivers.
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* Geographic Data Discovery Service Website. n.d. Retrieved from the World Wide Web, May 11, 2009 from http://aardvark.gov.bc.ca/apps/metastar/metadataDetail.do?from=search&ed...